Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024 - Auspicious Dates & Timings for Buying Vehicles (2025)

Auspicious Vehicle Purchase Muhurat and Registration Dates 2024 – Are you looking for auspicious vehicle purchase muhurat, dates and timings in 2024? Are you planning to purchase a vehicle like car, bike and scooter in 2024? If yes then your search ends here.

Not only a house but also purchasing a vehicle is every person’s dream. So it is important that a vehicle like car and bike should be purchased in a good muhurat, nakshtra and on an auspicious date. Just as the Griha Pravesh is done in an auspicious muhurat, a vehicle should be also purchased in an auspicious muhurat. It is said that buying a vehicle in a shubh muhurat helps vehicle owner to overcome bad influence or event that might occur later.

A vehicle is one of the most important assets and necessities of your life. It can be for your personal use or a source of income. So, if you need to buy a car or bike then make sure to purchase it on an auspicious date in a shubh muhurat. After purchasing it, don’t forget to worship the vehicle in order to maintain happiness and prosperity in your life.

Auspicious dates and timings to buying vehicles like car, bike and scooter are calculated as per the Hindu Panchangam or Hindu calendar after doing Panchang Shuddhi, aka Panchangam Shuddhi. Panchang Shuddhi gives not only auspicious dates to purchase a vehicle but also Shubh Muhurat to buy a vehicle.

To help you buy a vehicle like car, scooter and bike in a shubh muhurat, I’m here providing you the month-wise detailed chart. I hope you will find the right date and timing to buy your desired vehicle.

Know the 2024 Vehicle Purchase Dates with Shubh Muhurat & Shubh Timings

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in January 2024

3rd January07:48 PM to 07:15 AM (4th Jan)HastaAshtami
4th January07:15 AM to 10:04 PMHasta, ChitraAshtami
7th January10:08 PM to 12:46 AM (8th Jan)EkadashiAnuradha
14th January07:15 AM to 07:59 AMDhanishthaChaturthi, Tritiya
15th January07:15 AM to 08:07 AMPurva Bhadrapada,ShatabhishaPanchami
17th January10:06 PM to 03:33 AM (18th Jan)RevatiAshtami
21st January07:14 AM to 07:26 PMRohiniEkadashi
22nd January07:51 PM to 04:58 AM (23rd Jan)MrigashirshaTrayodashi
24th January09:49 PM to 07:13 AM (25th Jan)PunarvasuPurnima
25th January07:13 AM to 07:12 AM (26th Jan)Punarvasu, PushyaPurnima, Pratipada
26th January07:12 AM to 10:28 AMPushyaPratipada
31st January07:10 AM to 07:10 AM (1st Feb)Hasta, ChitraPanchami, Shashti

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in February 2024

1st February07:10 AM to 02:03 PMChitraShashthi
2nd February04:02 PM to 05:57 AM (3rd Feb)SwatiAshtami
4th February05:49 PM to 07:07 AM (5th Feb)AnuradhaDashami
5th February07:07 AM to 07:54 AMJyeshtha, AnuradhaDashami
14th February07:01 AM to 10:43 AMRevatiPanchami
18th February08:15 AM to 06:57 AM (19th Feb)Rohini, MrigashirshaDashami
19th February06:57 AM to 10:33 AMMrigashirshaDashami, Ekadashi
21st February11:27 AM to 06:54 (22nd Feb)Punarvasu, PushyaTrayodashi
22nd February06:54 AM to 01:21 PMPushyaTrayodashi
29th February06:47 AM to 06:46 AM (1st Mar)Chitra, SwatiPanchami

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in March 2024

1st March06:46 AM to 12:48 PMSwatiShashthi
3rd March08:44 AM to 03:55 PMAnuradhaAshtami
8th March06:38 AM to 09:57 PMShravana, DhanishthaTaryodashi
15th March04:08 PM to 10:09 PMRohiniShashthi
17th March06:28 AM to 04:47 PMMrigashirshaAshtami
20th March06:25 AM to 10:38 PMPushyaEkadashi
25th March10:28 AM to 06:18 AM (26th Mar)HastaPurnima, Pratipada
27th March05:06 PM to 06:15 AM (26th March)SwatiTritiya
28th March06:15 AM to 06:38 PMSwatiTritya
29th March08:36 PM to 06:13 AMAnuradhaPanchami

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in April 2024

4th April06:07 AM to 06:06 AM (5th Apr)Shravana, DhanishthaDashami, Ekadashi
5th April06:06 AM to 01:28 PMDhanishthaEkadashi
12th April01:11 PM to 05:58 AM (13th Apr)Rohini, MrigashirshaPanchami
15th April12:11 PM to 05:54 AM (16th Apr)Punarvasu, PushyaAshtami
21st April05:08 AM to 01:11 AM (22nd Apr)HastaTrayodashi
24th April05:46 AM to 12:41 AM (25th Apr)SwatiPratipada
26th April07:45 AM to 03:40 AM (27th Apr)AnuradhaTritiya

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in May 2024

1st May05:45 AM to 04:01 AM (2nd May)ShravanaAshtami
3rd May05:39 AM to 12:06 AM (4th May)ShatabhishaDashami
5th May07:57 PM to 05:36 AM (6th May)RevatiTrayodashi
6th May05:36 AM to 02:40 PMRevatiTrayodashi
10th May05:33 AM to 02:50 AM (11th May)Rohini, MrigashirshaTritiya
12th May10:27 AM to 05:31 AM (13th May)PunarvasuPanchami, Shashthi
13th May05:31 AM to 02:50 AM (14th May)Punarvasu, PushyaShashthi
19th May05:28 AM to 01:50 PMHastaEkadashi
20th May03:58 PM to 05:27 (21st May)ChitraTrayodashi
23rd May09:15 AM to 05:26 AM (24th May)AnuradhaPurnima, Pratipada
24th May05:26 AM to 10:10 AMAnuradhaPratipada
29th May05:24 AM to 01:39 PMShravana, DhanishthaShashthi
30th May11:43 AM to 05:24 AM (31st May)ShatabhishaAshtami
31st May05:24 AM to 06:14 AMPurva Bhadrapadra, ShatabhishaAshtami

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in June 2024

2nd June05:23 AM to 01:40 AM, (3rd Jun)RevatiEkadashi
9th June05:23 AM to 03:44 PMPunarvasuTritiya
10th June04:14 PM to 09:40 PMPushyaPanchami
16th June05:23 AM to 05:23 AM (17th Jun)Hasta, ChitraDashami
17th June05:23 AM to 05:23 AM (18th Jun)Chitra, SwatiEkadashi
19th June05:23 PM to 05:24 AM (20th Jun)AnuradhaTrayodashi
20th June05:24 AM to 07:49 AMAnuradhaTrayodashi
24th June03:54 PM to 01:23 AM (25th Jun)ShravanaTritiya
26th June05:25 AM to 05:26 AM (27th Jun)Dhanishtha, ShatabhishaPanchami, Shashthi
27th June05:26 AM to 11:36 AMShatabhishaShashthi

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in July 2024

3rd July07:10 AM to 05:28 AM (4th Jul)Rohini, MrigashirshaTrayodashi
4th July05:28 AM to 05:54 AMMrigashirshaChaturdashi, Trayodashi
8th July05:30 AM to 06:03 AMAshlesha, PushyaTritiya
14th July05:33 AM to 05:25 PMChitraAshtami
15th July07:19 PM to 12:30 AM (16th Jul)SwatiDashami
17 July05:34 AM to 09:02 PMAnuradhaEkadashi
22nd July05:37 AM to 01:11 PMShravanaPratipada
24th July05:38 AM to 07:30 AMShatabhishaTritiya
26th July02:30 PM to 11:30 PMRevatiShashthi
31st July05:42 AM to 03:55 PMRohini, MrigashirshaEkadashi

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in August 2024

2nd August10:59 AM to 03:26 PMPunarvasuTrayodashi
9th August05:47 AM to 05:48 AM (10th Aug)Hasta, ChitraPanchami, Shashthi
12th August07:55 AM to 08:33 AMVishakha, SwatiAshtami, Saptami
14th August10:23 AM to 12:13 PMAnuradhaDashami
19th August05:53 AM to 05:45 AM (20th Aug)Shravana, DhanishthaPurnima, Pratipada
23rd August10:38 AM to 07:54 PMRevatiPanchami
26th August03:55 PM to 02:19 AM (27th Aug)RohiniAshtami
28th August05:57 AM to 03:53 PMMrigashirshaDashami
29th August04:39 PM to 01:37 AM (30th Aug)PunarvasuEkadashi

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in September 2024

5th September12:21 PM to 06:02 AM (6th Sep)HastaTritiya
6th September06:02 AM to 03:01 PMHasta, ChitraTritiya
8th September06:03 AM to 03:31 PMSwatiPanchami
9th September06:04 PM to 09:53 PMAnuradhaShashthi
15th September06:12 PM to 06:07 AM (17th Sep)DhanishthaTrayodashi
16th September06:07 AM to 03:10 PMDhanishthaTrayodashi

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in October 2024

7th October09:47 AM to 02:25 AM (8th Oct)AnuradhaPanchami
13th October06:21 AM to 06:21 AM (14th Oct)Dhanishtha, ShatabhishaEkadashi
14th October06:21 AM to 06:41 AMShatabhishaDwadashi, Ekadashi
16th October08:40 PM to 06:23 AM (17th Oct)RevatiPurnima
17th October06:23 AM to 04:20 PMRevatiPurnima
21st October06:26 AM to 05:51 AM (22nd Oct)MrigashirshaPanchami, Shashthi
24th October06:28 AM to 01:58 AM (25th Oct)PushyaAshtami
30th October06:32 AM to 01:15 PMHastaTrayodashi

Auspicious Dates and Muhurats for Vehicle Purchase in November 2024

4th November06:35 AM to 08:04 AMAnuradhaTritiya
10th November09:01 PM to 06:41 AM (11th Nov)ShatabhishaDashami
11th November06:41 AM to 09:40 AMShatabhishaDashami
13th November01:01 PM to 03:11 AM (14th Nov)RevatiTrayodashi
17th November09:06 PM to 06:46 AM (18th Nov)MrigashirshaTritiya
18th November06:46 AM to 03:49 PMMrigashirshaTritiya
20th November06:48 AM to 06:49 AM (21st Nov)Punarvasu, PushyaPanchami, Shashthi
21st November06:49 AM to 03:35 PMPushyaShashthi
28th November06:54 AM to 06:55 AM (29th Nov)SwatiTrayodashi
29th November06:55 AM to 08:39 AMSwatiTrayodashi

Best Dates and Muhurats for Buying Vehicles in December 2024

5th December05:26 PM to 07:00 AM (6th Dec)ShravanaPanchami
6th December07:00 AM to 07:01 AM (7th Dec)Shravana, DhanishthaPanchami, Shashthi
8th December09:44 AM to 04:03 PMShatabhishaAshtami
11th December07:04 AM to 11:48 AMRevatiEkadashi
15th December07:06 AM to 02:20 AM (16th Dec)MrigashirshaPurnima, Pratipada
18th December07:08 AM to 10:06 AMPushyaTritiya
23rd December09:09 AM to 05:07 PMHastaAshtami
25th December07:12 AM to 07:12 AM (26th Dec)Chitra, SwatiDashami, Ekadashi
26th December07:12 AM to 06:09 PMSwatiEkadashi

The Color of Your Vehicle According to Birth Sign

Buying a vehicle in an auspicious timing (shubh muhurat) is imperative. Hence, people prefer to buy vehicles in a muhurat that can bring favorable result in their lives. According to Vedic Astrology, the color of the vehicle also plays a vital role at the time of buying the vehicle.

WORTH READING Auspicious Dates Moving into New Home - Griha Pravesh Shubh Muhurat 2024
Birth SignLucky ColorsAvoidable Colors
AriesBlue or similar colorBlack, Brown
TaurusWhite, CreamYellow, Pink
GeminiGreen, Cream
CancerBlack, Yellow, Red
LeoGrey or similar color
VirgoWhite, BlueRed
LibraBlack, Brown
SagittariusSilver, RedBlack, Blue
CapricornWhite, Grey, Slate Color
AquariusWhite, Grey, Blue
PiscesYellow, Orange, Golden Color

Which nakashtras are the best for buying a vehicle?

Chara or movable nakashtras – Saravana, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Punarvasu and Swati are exceptionally propitious for to purchase a new vehicle (automobile) like car, bike, scooter and any other vehicle. These movable nakshatra are considered as very auspicious for buying vehicles for the first time.

What are the best days for buying a vehicle like car, bike and scooter?

According to Hinduism – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday are auspicious days for buying a vehicle (automobile).

Which day is the most auspicious for vehicle purchase or registration?

Friday is considered as the most auspicious day for buying a new vehicle.

Which dates are considered as auspicious dates for buying vehicles?

Auspicious dates (Hindi Tithi) for vehicle purchase are Prathama, Tritiya, Panchami, Shashthi, Dashami, Ekadashi, Trayodashi and Purnima.

Is Amavasya Tithi the right day for buying an automobile or vehicle?

No, Amavasya Tithi is not an auspicious day for buying a vehicle. Hence, you must not purchase a car or bike on this day.

Which are the auspicious lagnas for buying vehicles?

Auspicious lagnas for buying vehicles are Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces Ascendant. These lagnas are highly for carrying out any auspicious work.

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When should we not purchase vehicles?

You should not purchase any vehicle in Rahu, Gulika and Yamaghanda timings. You must avoid buying any vehicle during these timings even on an auspicious day. Rahu, Gulika and Yamaghanda timings are considered as very inauspicious.

Should I purchase a car or bike in Rahu Kaal?

No, you should never purchase a vehicle in Rahu Kaal. According to Vedic Astrology, Rahu planet is cruel and sinner. It reflects bad results in the life of any person. To create obstacles and problems in any auspicious initiative is the nature of Rahu. Therefore, you should neither purchase nor sell a vehicle in Rahu Kaal.

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